GET Utest crowd-testing service: how to get the most out / KamaGames Studio Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Recently, a dole out of services have appeared on the market that offer their services to ensure the high superior of your intersection for a fee. More incisively, to control this very quality. However, problems are often hidden fanny a beautiful signboard, nullifying all the benefits of such "crowd examination". We want to share our experience and save you from repeating some mistakes.

KamaGames Studio apartment in its make tried to collaborate with respective such platforms. The most tall-term cooperation was with Utest . By the bye, we recently wrote that the guys raisedsubstantial investiture of $ 43 million. Passim the year, we have been a subscriber to one of the major service packages. Thence, we can judge from our own feel for the things that are necessary to make the most paid relationships with the platform for crowd testing.

Tips for Organizing Engagement Groups

Utest can be used for various tasks resolved by QA. Note that in totally cases we did not rely only on an outward platform. A highly qualified QA department within the company has always worked with them. What types of load can be delegated to Utest and its like?

1. Smok Tryout Fundamental interaction Group

Daily check away the service of the wellness of the vital elements of your practical application, which is in the issue, reported to check lists. As a result of using the Smok-Test grouping, the service regularly provides a litmus test of the health of your practical application (accessibility for downloading, correct installation, launch, store operation, etc., etc.) and, just in case of problems, sends alerts with a notification to mailbox. Simple and earn work.
Efficiency: 7 out of 10.

2. Fundamental interaction group "Implementation of business requirements"

Check of the implementation of ordered business requirements for which a test design is written (iteratively performed). Service in this case is the strength of the "manual" tester, which checks the implementation of the functionality planned for this iteration.
Efficiency: 7 out of 10.

3. The "Unified Cases" interaction group

Checking the compliance of the coating with your corporate quality standards (performed twice (with alpha and beta) + regressions are affirmable). As a result of using the "Integrated Cases" group, the service is the strength of a "manual" tester that checks the application's compliance with your unified corporate quality standards (non-functional tests: the application processes the incoming call correctly, the battery performs the battery discharge correctly, the application processes the transfer from / to the card correctly memory, etc. etc.)
Efficiency: 7 tabu of 10.

4. "Research" interaction aggroup

Clear tearful of unstructured cases. It is carried out in parallel with the fundamental interaction group "Implementation of business requirements". American Samoa a result of victimization the Research radical, the inspection and repair is the strength of a "manual of arms" beta tester, describing his impressions and problems in areas that are not thermostated by mental testing excogitation. Efficiency: 5 out of 10.

5. Interaction group "Guaranteed usability"

Checking the compliance of the diligence with international standards of usability (performed twice (with alpha and beta) + regressions are possible). As a effect of using the "Usableness Guarantee" group, the Service is an option to the work of a usability quizzer that performs reasoned verification of the application's compliance with international standards of useableness quality. To listen to their advice or not is your right.
Efficiency: 5 out of 10.

6. Group "Guaranteed server performance under load" (a selfsame difficult group for communications)

Lading tests along your waiter plus substantiation of server protocol implementation. As a effect of using the group, the service is an alternative (Oregon addition) to the work of the tester of the automation machine-loader, which implements load test scripts (verification of protocol effectuation) from its site at the appointed time.
Efficiency: 4 out of 10.

7. Group "Localization Verification"

Checking the correctness of localization. The service does not have any pronounced features of nationality and religious belief. The service here provides a "multiplied" "hand-operated" tester, a indigen speaker and the culture requisite to verify location.
Efficiency: 8 come out of the closet of 10.

8. Group "Correspondence to progress"

Checking the wellness of a published application happening newly released devices and operating systems. The work of a "manual" examiner, checking the operability of the published application on a new device. You are ever aware of your application's progress, even if you don't have a proportionate device.
Efficiency: 8 out of 10.

General tips connected interaction and rake features

To a higher place we talked about "why" you can practice Utest and similar services. However, the path to the goals will be briary: below are simple only significant tips on how to avoid the conk out in work.

1. All interaction takes place in English, it is necessary to take aim this into chronicle when development a test design for documentation and hiring testers who testament work with Utest on staff.

2. Communication and management takes about all the employed time of a full-time QA-manager: you need to constantly ping the divine service manager and monitor what is happening, because The service manager also has relationships with new customers, rarely, but incidents happen. Most often due to the fact that the parties did non understand each other. Sometimes IT comes in W. C. Handy for bargaining and for pressure.

Literal life examples:

  • The manager on the service side simultaneously took into operation four assemblies of different applications (for the "Inquiry" interaction group). After a day, we do a control ping, and it turns out that examination was started only in 3 assemblies (he launched four, but did non set deadlines and tasks - "day in vain");
  • The service manager took one shape of the application into functioning (for the "Research" interaction chemical group). A Clarence Day later, we notic that the service (here and everywhere in the text by the full term "service" means all platform participants who took part in examination our products) did not reveal a single trouble, which is strange for the alpha reading. Aft pinging, the service manager sent a "sorcerous" subject matter to testers, as a result of which "useful" problems were known.

3. Interaction occurs through and through the scheme bug / task tracking service, without the possibility of integration into your system.

A fate of functionality is implemented in the tracking of the service (a single database of registration / authorization of testers, QA-manager's assessment of the problems ground, all kinds of analytics, task / bug-turn, etc., etc.), which does not let integrating IT into your system bug / task tracking, indeed a lot of time is spent along copy-paste problems and tasks. We failed to organize import into Redmine.

4. The internal QA-manager needs to read out each job brought up past the overhaul testers in the tracker and drama it back.

Participants of the Utest examination community aft evaluating the criticality of the identified problem aside the QA manager receive a immediate payment reward from the Robert William Service. In this connection, information technology's rare, but still not quite a honest testers who are difficult to deceive both Utest and you.

5. It is necessary to formulate requirements for the description of the trouble by service testers.

You must clearly province to the service handler the minimum information you need for describing the trouble (device, operating system, reproducibility (how often IT is played and on which devices), playback steps, actual and supposed results, logs, video recording, etc., etc. .) and require compliance with this minimum. Otherwise, get a bunch of useless data.

6. Information technology is essential to develop a task scope template for the Utest manager.

This is crucial for deliverance time and eliminating the human "forgotten". The template should include a minimum of necessary conditions, e.g., consist of the following items:

  • Figure of application - Project;
  • Assembly amoun;
  • Interaction group (see clause 1);
  • The body of the task (main text, features);
  • Coating devices;
  • Operating systems coverage;
  • Necessary deadlines;
  • Comments
  • Link to the storage location of the fabrication;
  • Character to the reposition of regulatory documents
  • Etc. etc.


Using Utest and standardized services can certainly cost useful. For U.S., this benefit consisted in expanding "man resources" at any presumption time and extra examination of products both at the development represent and at the operational present.

Nevertheless, the service will never replace a home-grown "pudgy" (in the best sense) tester:

  • In footing of the level of knowledge and understanding of the specifics of your product, a full-time tester will always follow stronger on the head, if lonesome because service testers are a coming and sledding phenomenon (often a one-time phenomenon);
  • The need of a staff member is high, because for him it is a product in which he has invested with much of effectiveness and Department of Energy;
  • The level of theory-based and practical noesis in testing your tester is obvious to you, but the serving tester is not;
  • Monitoring the progress of the task (hints, stage of completion, degree of coverage) of the regular examiner is carried out as expeditiously as possible, and the progress of the chore by the service tester is less effective.

Use such a service every bit an additional tool for checking tone in relation to a "homegrown" staff - even if you are the staff in your independent squad. Be prepared to spend a lot of clock and effort on communicating, and the Robert William Service volition definitely reciprocate in the form of an additional character index. And course, look at the prices. The Utest website provides a calculator of the cost of services , which means not only the opaqueness of the price, only also the possibility of just about bargaining.

Text writer: Yuri Golovin, Head of QA KamaGames Studio.


GET Utest crowd-testing service: how to get the most out / KamaGames Studio Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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